Descrizione breve
Collana dell'Università del Salento
Dipartimento di Beni Culturali n° 4
formato 21x28, pp. 372, 338 illustrazioni in b/n
This book is a corrected and updated version of my 1985 dissertation of the same title. Since November 1984, whwn I Copleted the manuscript of the dissertation, much fresh data has emerged. These have been included in the present version of Matt - Painted Pottery, up to the end of 1989. Generally, however, the text differs little from that of the dissertation. The latter was written and produced wuthin a very short time and consequently showed evident sign of haste; many printing errors, inconsistencies, and slips of the pen have been corrected. I have made more sbstantial changes in the chapters on matt-painted wares from the Bradano district, from both western and northern Bsilicata, and from the coastal district around Bari.
It is evident that the collection of the data set required a number of visits to southern Italy. For this purpose funds were granted by the Free University of Amsterdam, the Consiglio Nazionale per le Ricerche (Rome), and the European Community in Brussels.
I received assistance from many colleagues who offered their advice and granted me permission to study the material. Among them are D. Adamesteanu (Policoro), G. Andreassi (formely Bari/Gnathia), F.L. Bastet (Leiden), S. Bianco (Policoro), A. Bottini (Potenza), G. Canosa (Matera), A. Ciancio (Gioia del Colle), E.M. De Juliis (Taranto), G. DElli Ponti (Lecce), A. De Siena (Metaponto), A. Di Niro (Campobasso), M. Gorgoglione (Taranto), W. Hornbostel (Hamburg), C. Marangio (Mesagne), M. Mazzei (Foggia), J. Mertens (Rome), M.L. Nava (Rome), C. Pagliara (Lecce), F. Radina (Bari), A. Riccardi (Gioia del Colle), B. Sciarra Bardaro (Brindisi), R. Stazio Pulinas (Naples), M.W. Stoop (The Hague), M. Tagliente (Melfi), and AD. Trendall (Bundoora).
Douwe Yntema
Institute of Archaeology Free Unyversity De Boelelaan 1105 1081 HV Amsterdam