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Tell Tuqan Excavations and Regional Perspectives
Cultural Developments in Inner Syria from the Early Bronze Age to the Persian/Hellenistic Period
Proceedings of the International Conference May 15th-17th 2013 - Lecce
Cartonato con sovracoperta, cm 17x24, pp. 564, illustrato in BN e a colori
Collana: Università del Salento. Dipartimento di Beni culturali - Collana del Dipartimento, 21
The Proceedings collect the papers presented at the International Conference held in Lecce from May 15th to 17th 2013. Several Italian and foreign scholars, who worked in Syria until the forced interruption of fieldwork in 2011, participated in the conference. The papers deal with different periods, showing continuity or hiatus in the settlement history, emphasizing geographical and environmental analogies. This volume offers insights for the historical reconstruction of a large region during two thousand years, from the Early Bronze Age to the Hellenistic period. When we have no epigraphic documents, as in Tell Tuqan, the analysis of the material culture provides evidence of exchanges and interaction with nearby areas. A substantial degree of continuity in the human occupation of the Matkh region from the III to I Millennium B.C. was undoubtedly favored by the humid environment of the ancient lake. We can observe a continuity of settlements (sometimes with short interruptions or partial abandonments) directly connected with the economic and political role played by the main regional urban centres. Around the ruins of these ancient sites there are now new villages, large or small, marking the Syrian landscape. Here the people can feel themselves as heirs of their past history. Awareness of that origin creates a connection with the next generation. Its denial causes an irreparable loss of our cultural heritage.
Contents: Preface; Francesca Baffi, Luca Peyronel, Tell Tuqan and the Matkh Basin in a Regional Perspective. Thoughts and Questions Raised by the International Conference; Paolo Matthiae, A Note on Tell Tuqan and the Archaic Urbanization in Western Syria. Some Cue for Future Reflections; Agnese Vacca, The Tuqan IC Pottery Sequence from Area P South; Michel Al-Maqdissi, Notes d’Archéologie Levantine XLVII. Nouvelles données sur la coupole de Loth à Mishirfeh-Qatna; Georges Mouamar, Tell Al-Ṣūr/Al-Sankarī: une nouvelle agglomération circulaire du Bronze ancien IV à la lisière de la steppe syrienne; Luca Peyronel, Living Near the Lake. The Matkh Region (Syria) during the Early and Middle Bronze Ages; Francesca Baffi, The Defences at Tell Tuqan in the 2nd Millennium B.C.; Enrico Ascalone, The Long Life of the Dead. A Middle Bronze IB Necropolis at Tell Tuqan, Syria; Frances Pinnock, The Ceramic Horizon of Middle Bronze I-II in North Inner Syria: The Case of Ebla; Elena Felluca, Clay Figurines from Tell Tuqan; Daniele Morandi Bonacossi, Some Considerations on the Urban Layout of Second Millennium BC Qatna; Fabrizio Venturi, The Late Bronze Age Sequence at Tell Afis; Joachim Bretschneider, Greta Jans, Anne-Sophie Van Vyve, The Early Iron Age at Tell Tweini: Results from the 2008, 2009 and 2010 Excavations; Stefania Mazzoni, The Archaeology of Tell Afis and the Iron Age II-III in Syria: A Reassessment; Roberto Fiorentino, The Urban Settlement at Tell Tuqan during the Iron Age; Francesca Baffi, Tell Tuqan: A Village of the Persian Period on the Shores of the Lake; Grazia Semeraro, Notes on Terra Sigillata pottery from Tell Tuqan; Claudia Minniti, Reassessing animal exploitation in northern Syria from the Early Bronze Age to the Persian/Hellenistic Period: the evidence from Tell Tuqan; Valentina Caracuta, Girolamo Fiorentino, Garbage Disposal in the Middle Bronze Age in Tell Mardikh-Ebla (NW Syria): Using Plant Remains to Investigate Midden Formation Processes; Lucio Calcagnile, Gianluca Quarta, Marisa D’Elia; Nuclear Physics for Archaeology: Radiocarbon Dating from Tell Tuqan and Ebla by the Tandetron Accelerator at CEDAD; Giovanni Quarta, Chiara Marchiori, Davide Melica; Archaeometric Study of Mud Bricks from Excavations of Tell Tuqan: Preliminary Results; Ettore Janulardo, Moravia: visions of Syria; List of Plates